AFRICAN CHROME FIELDS (ACF) mines and processes alluvial chromite ore for the special alloy and stainless-steel industries, with a unique beneficiation capacity capable of processing high-grade chrome into high-quality, value-adding ferroalloys.
With hundreds of alluvial chrome mining concessions across Zimbabwe’s Great Dyke region, ACF is steering the country towards a brighter economic future by tapping into its rich mineral resources and driving sustainable development.

Since ACF entered the chromium extraction sector in 2014, its output has steadily risen and the company now produces in excess of 20,000 tonnes of chromite per month.
ACF enjoys a strong reputation and has injected hundreds of millions of US dollars into the country’s economy since its inception.
Zimbabwe is home to some 19% of global chrome ore reserves – the second largest in the world. Its chrome store is also of a higher grade than other international sources, with an exceptional chrome to iron ratio of 2:1.

These alluvial chromite deposits are the work of thousands of years of temperature changes and weathering, with streams and rivers distributing their rich residue throughout the Midlands province.
ACF’s mining operations therefore consist of mainly shallow surface mining not exceeding three metres. Only a small portion of soil is cleared to expose the chrome deposits, and this soil is returned as soon as possible after the minerals are extracted.
The company is dedicated to responsible exploration, precise extraction, and efficient enrichment in delivering high-grade chromite. Through this meticulous process, we are able to return the mined environment to a pristine state and ensure sustainable, broad-based wealth creation through its operations.
As part of the government’s commitment to economic growth, there is a movement towards local beneficiation, particularly for essential materials, chrome being one of them.

The company currently employs over 680 individuals at the labour, professional, and managerial levels, and supplies ongoing training to facilitate skills transfer.
Additionally, most of its wash plants offer housing and meals, as well as medical facilities and doctors at on-site clinics.
ACF has also established a school with an administrative facility and modern computer lab near the mine to accommodate more than 250 learners in the Sebakwe area.

These alluvial chromite deposits are the work of thousands of years of temperature changes and weathering, with streams and rivers distributing their rich residue throughout the Midlands province.
ACF’s mining operations therefore consist of mainly shallow surface mining not exceeding three metres. Only a small portion of soil is cleared to expose the chrome deposits, and this soil is returned as soon as possible after the minerals are extracted.
The company is dedicated to responsible exploration, precise extraction, and efficient enrichment in delivering high-grade chromite. Through this meticulous process, we are able to return the mined environment to a pristine state and ensure sustainable, broad-based wealth creation through its operations.
As part of the government’s commitment to economic growth, there is a movement towards local beneficiation, particularly for essential materials, chrome being one of them.

The company currently employs over 680 individuals at the labour, professional, and managerial levels, and supplies ongoing training to facilitate skills transfer.
Additionally, most of its wash plants offer housing and meals, as well as medical facilities and doctors at on-site clinics.
ACF has also established a school with an administrative facility and modern computer lab near the mine to accommodate more than 250 learners in the Sebakwe area.